There are so many websites telling us the accurate rate change in the amount of the coins of the splinter land if we check it today or every day that amount change every time, for the coin if we watch them today there are a total of 12899 number of coins present in the website.
The number of exchanges held in the day is 569 also the market cap is always changing. As it is according to the change happening in the market as every evaluation happening in the market depend on them, the dominance of today’s market is BTC 40.2% but also there are more feature and information as well.
The contract if the platform is the specific number we can have to apply it, the website information is also available there are so many of them like splinterland and white paper,publishOx.com or peaks.com.
The community through which that all are connected are Reddit, Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, Discord, etc, the further information you can get is that the tag we can use is play to earn.
We can also have to keep an eye on the overview, markets, charts, historical data to have the complete knowledge about the happening in the market like general, social, security, developer, widgets as well.
If we search we can get the data of hours, days, and Even a year maximum as well.